Saturday, September 24, 2005

Worcester County League Of Sportsmen Club's

The Worcester County League (WCL) had their first meeting of the year Friday, September 16. Gerry Lemire and I are delegates from Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club. The League had their annual elections. Gerry and I were nominated and elected to serve as directors on the board.

For those that don't know, delegates represent each club in the Worcester County. We meet at different clubs each month to discuss issues impacting sportsmen which includes legislation, public relations, conservation and education. Delegates are responsible to report pertinent issues effecting sportsmen to their clubs and visa versa.

The league produces a monthy publication that you can pick up at the clubhouse. The next meeting is on October 21, 2005, 8:00 PM at Brookfield Rod and Gun. If anyone is interested in being an alternate delegate from Nipmuc, please contact Gerry Lemire at .

Woodsmen Competition

Troop 1 Hopedale Posted by Picasa

Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club coordinated a Woodsman Competition Weekend with Troop 1 Hopedale last weekend. The program incorporated fishing, rifle shooting, archery and knife throwing with the guidance and assistance from Gerry Lemire, Bruce Tiedemann and Dan Sullivan.
The boys camped on the grounds Friday and Saturday night. Saturday was a day full of fun filled competition. After a hearty supper, the boys were awarded trophy's and ribbons at the club house. The trophy's were provided and awarded by Gerry Lemire. Nipmuc is looking forward having more of these type of events in the future. It was an event that enjoyed by all.

Club Renovation

Renovation of the porch. Posted by Picasa

Thanks to Bill DelloRusso, we have brand new railings! : )
Gary Fadden provided paint supplies and led the paint crew, Bruce Tiedemann, Jonathan Tiedemann, Joe Kedski, John Powers, Josh Alger and myself. We got a great deal of painting done but there is still a great deal more to do.
Jack Hoberg & Jayme Armstrong surprised the workers by bringing them a hearty stew for lunch. : )
If any member could spare some time to help paint the clubhouse please contact me at . Please inform me when you are available. We need to schedule some more dates to complete the work.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Clubhouse Renovation

On Saturday, September 24, starting at 8:00 AM we will be painting the trim and foundation of our clubhouse. We are currently seeking to coordinate volunteer members to assist in this project. If you can possibly spare even a couple of hours to paint please contact me at or call me at 508-478-1549. Of course, the more volunteers we have, the easier this project will be for all.

Also on that day, one of our members, who is a carpenter will be replacing our porch railings.
I look forward hearing from you, thanks!
Nancy J. Wentworth